500 Billion For Toys...CARLYE GROUP APPROVES!!! Chinese Laugh
Just looking for a reaction to the below NYT article on the insane level of Pentagon spending with literally no accounting oversight. I often think the GWOT is an excuse to cover up the true war booty...
View ArticleHiding Pipeline Corps from Public Scrutiny
I want to give people a "heads up" on a piece of business news I came across quite accidentally today when looking for articles on the effects of Hurricane Ernesto not hitting the oil rigs in the Gulf....
View ArticleUPDATE: Daddy (Poppy) Is Bailing W. Out?
Daddy is plugged in. Daddy Knows The "real players." Daddy Is A BIG SHOT In The Carlyle Group. (you know the guys who make bombs, rebuild bombed cities, lots o' big oil interests ... lots o' armaments...
View ArticleWhy Bush Won't Attack N. Korea
One of the most gross conflicts of interest in the Bush Administration has been The Carlyle Group, which both Bush and Bush, Sr. have been board members, as well as James Baker and other former world...
View ArticleJames Baker is NOT "the former Secretary of State!" He is an Enemy of the State!
The New Messiah has arrived in the persona of James Baker. He has come forth at the behest of hysterical legislators to miraculously heal the wounds of conflagration in Iraq. He and his apostles...
View ArticleA Plea to GOP Congresspeople Before Tuesday
To Republicans in Congress: This may be a little anticipatory, but I thought I'd make a gesture and ask all of you, before the election, to make a pledge to work with the Democrats over the next two...
View ArticleSibel Edmonds: Hijacking of a Nation. The Foreign Agent Factor
In this op-ed (below), Sibel describes how the US government has been hijacked by foreign agents and their enablers, ex-congressmen and 'dime-a-dozen generals' in the lobbying industry. She discusses...
View ArticleCarlyle Group
Honestly, I just did not know how to "tag" this story. It requires knowledge about a lot of history, clicking a lot of news links about corporate and government activities, and going well back into...
View ArticleSuspicious Carlyle Group Purchase
Given the history of the Carlyle Group and the people directing this organization, I found it worrisome to see the following headline on Yahoo this morning:Carlyle group bids $5.5 bln for Taiwan's ASE...
View ArticleThe James Baker/Saudi "quid pro quo"?
A lot has been made about James Baker, the Iraq Study Group report as well as the Saudi threat that it may start to fund the Sunnis if the US leaves Iraq. However, a comment that Maccabee made in his...
View ArticleISG: Milo Minderbinder strikes again
Fans of the novel Catch-22 recognize the character Milo Minderbinder as the one who specialized in the black market in illegal goods of World War II; trading goods amorally, with the "enemy" and allies...
View ArticleBush\Walker Families=Treason+war profiteering
This legacy is a long one and continues to this day. For a full accounting of thier WWII activities do a google with the key words: bush+walker+hitler+tarpley. If you have not read Mr. Tarpley`s...
View ArticleRico to the Rescue!
As 2006 ends and 2007 begins, each of us must not only make the traditional resolutions, but resolve that we have had enough (remember our cry during the election), that we are not going to take it...
View ArticleFor the love of GOD, make it stop!
IMPEACH AND REMOVE BUSH AND CHENEYStart it NOW.Before the TERRORIST ATTACK that they are waiting for, and willing to LET HAPPEN, so they can exploit it to start a war with Iran.Before ONE MORE DAY...
View ArticleBill Frist and brother stole millions of U.S.
dollars? Andrew Card and some guy named Snow along with the Carlyle Group are abusing federal trust and profiteering from those monies? Karen Hughes stops an equipment shipment to Iran and that is too...
View ArticleWar Profiteers, Carlyle Group, wanting to buy Virgin Media
It's being reported in today's New York Times that The Carlyle Group is in discussions with Virgin Media, the British cable company whose largest investor is Richard Branson, over a potential bid...
View ArticleBush about to drown NASA, EPA, Forest Service in the bathtub
Grover Norquist will be one step closer to his wet dream come October 27, 2007. This is the date by which all entities in the executive branch are required to issue uniform, government-wide form of...
View ArticleCarlyle Group losing boatloads of money
You might remember the Carlyle Group. They are the ones with political connections to both the Bush Family and the House of Saud. Well it seems that the Real Estate Bust has caught them with their...
View ArticleRoger J Stone Writes Another Chapter of GOP Sleaze
The NY Times reports tonight what might seem to be just a nasty piece of insider NY State politics: An anonymous phone call, made to Bernard Spitzer, father of former NY Attorney General and now...
View ArticleThoughts on 9/11
I just don't understand the trend behind "remembering 9/11". It just seems more like a cottage industry to me, a Hallmark holiday if you will. Americans are famous for falling for bullshit...
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